
100 pictures, again?

Since I really have no way of turning every current event into a story without causing a loss of any and all interest on your end, I have succumbed to yet another picture overload.

Feast yer eyes.

First of all...we moved. 

(And I know you're all envying the act of packing/unpacking all of those boxes, so I just thought I'd let you know that there are still some left if you really need a fix...)

Then the husband turned 24,

and my sister-in-law made yet another one of her delicious cakes!

Then my parents one-upped themselves 
and got my husband a manly birthday gift...

 ...which we obviously had to christen right away.

We decorated. 

 Kind of.

And we continued working on our project.

  Kind of.
(As you can see, I "worked" really hard...)

   Then one day I went to a shower and 
got some much needed catch up time with friends. 
(So excited for ya, Britt!)

And if all of that wasn't enough, my soul sista came and made an ever-welcome appearance in my neck of the woods. 

to my favorite person ever for making the trek 
all the way up from the southern parts of our state. 

 One day is not long enough, 
but we still got in some good chats and
good eats while she and our other friends were here!

The visit made my entire year.
Love you, Court. You da best!

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