
A brother and a baby

Since I have lots of homework to do tonight, 
I'm going to write a blog post instead.

Even though this is long overdue, I wanted to point out the fact that my brotha from anotha motha made it home from the Milwaukee Wisconsin mission, safe and sound! 
(Okay, he's really my brotha from the same motha... 
I just wanted to make things complicated.)

We made some really cool signs  
(props to the husband)
to welcome him back to reality,

Me and my cute mom!  



  and then he came off the plane and blew our signs out of the water with his CHEESE TIE! 

As he put it, "it was either the cheese hat, or the cheese tie... I thought the tie might be a little more appropriate for the pulpit..." 
ha. Love this kid! 

So glad to call him my bro. :)

Also, just wanted to mention that my sister-in-law is doing well and that BW (Baby Woolsey) should be here before the month is up.

Love these pretty ladies
Such a cute soon-to-be mom.



Annie O Castro said...

So crazy that its been two years already! Happy welcome home!

T said...

I'm SO excited about Baby Woolsey!